• 98C Preddys Rd, Bexley North NSW 2207
  • 5:30AM to 9:00PM


Due to essential works required for Angelo Anestis Aquatic Centre, the ground floor change rooms and indoor 25m pool hall mechanical ventilation system will be offline from Tuesday 14th November 2023 through to Friday 24th November 2023. Temporary measures will be put into place during this period including portable units in the change rooms and a slight increase in 25m pool temperature. In order to control air quality and humidity, the indoor 25m pool hall air temperature may be cooler than usual, dependant on weather. No other areas are expected to be affected. Thank you for your understanding.

Eating healthy on a tight budget can be a challenge, as nutritious food tends to be expensive. However, there’s no need to worry! There are plenty of ways to save money and still enjoy a balanced diet filled with fruits and vegetables. In fact, we‘ve got some fantastic tips that will help you eat healthier without breaking the bank. 

Eating healthy without going broke 

1. Cook meals at home 
Cooking your own meals at home can save you money compared to eating out. In fact, you can feed a whole family of four for the same amount it would cost to buy food for just one or two people at a restaurant. Instead of opting for last-minute dining out, it’s a good idea to develop a habit of cooking at home. You have the flexibility to choose whether you want to prepare meals for the entire week on weekends or cook one meal each day, depending on what works best for you.

2. Say no to highly processed foods 
It’s shocking to realise the amount of money you’re spending on processed foods such as soda, crackers, cookies, and ready-made meals. Not only are they lacking in essential nutrients and packed with sodium or sugar, but they also come with a big price tag. By cutting out processed foods, you’ll have more room in your budget to invest in top-notch, nutrient-dense whole foods. 

3. Stay organised & plan your meals 
When it comes to cutting costs at the grocery store, it’s crucial to plan ahead. Choose a specific day each week to sit down and map out your meals for the upcoming week. Then, create a shopping list with all the ingredients you’ll need to make those meals. Only buy what you know you’ll use. This way, you’ll avoid wasting money on items that will end up going to waste. 

eating healthy
tight budget

4. Don’t let hunger divert your shopping choices 
If you head to the grocery store on an empty stomach, chances are you’ll veer off track from your shopping list and make impulsive purchases. When you’re hungry, you tend to be attracted to processed foods that lack the nutritional value of whole foods. Plus, since these items aren’t typically on your list, they can also strain your budget. To avoid this, try having a piece of fruit, yogurt, or another healthy snack before you go on your grocery trip. 

5. Stick to the grocery list 
After you’ve organised your meals and created your shopping list, make sure you stick to it. It’s easy to get distracted while shopping, leading to unplanned purchases and extra expenses. A good tip is to start by shopping around the perimeter of the store. This is where you’ll find whole foods, making it more likely for you to fill your cart with healthier options first.  

6. Make the most out of coupons  
Using coupons is a smart move to keep some extra cash in your pocket. However, it’s important to be savvy about how you use them. Take the time to go through the best deals and make a list of essential items like cleaning products, healthy foods, and other everyday necessities that you know you’ll use. By reducing the expenses on household items, you’ll have more money left in your budget to invest in nutritious foods that will benefit your overall well-being. 

7. Pack your meals
Dining out can really burn a hole in your pocket, especially if you do it often. On the other hand, bringing your own meals, snacks, drinks, and other meals is a much more affordable option. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also have full control over what you eat. It’s a convenient and cost-effective way to ensure you have a satisfying meal without any extra effort or expense.  

Eating healthy doesn’t have to break the bank. There are plenty of ways to enjoy nutrient-rich foods even on a tight budget. By planning your meals, cooking at home, and making wise choices at the grocery store, you can eat well without spending a fortune. Remember, highly processed foods can end up costing you more in the long run due to potential health issues. Prioritising your health is always worth it, no matter the cost.

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